

Science Department

Junior Cycle science is a subject that covers everything from evolution to to phases of the moon in its four main components; biology, chemistry, physics, and earth and space. Students gain a wide range of relevant skills applicable to their everyday lives. JC Science is a busy subject, with at least one practical lab class a week. We recently opened a new lab in [year]. Young scientist takes place every year, and students in every year group have the opportunity to participate.

Examinations for Junior Cycle Science

The new Junior Cycle Science course was implemented in St. Colmcilles in September 2015. Junior Cycle Science encourages all students to:

As with all subjects, Science Assessments for the JCPA will have the following components:


For more information see: 

BT Young Scientist

The students of our school are offered to enter the BT young scientist every year. It is a wonderful experience. Pupils are able to participate in interactive exhibitions along with viewing some of the wonderful entries to the competition. 

Three transition years that qualified for the exhibition with their project "How Filthy is Your Reusable Water Bottle?"

(Martha Barrett, Leyla Randall and Kate Smith) 

Two third years that qualified for the exhibition with their project "Haemochromatosis- Why does Ireland have the highest rate in the world and what can we do about it?"

(Marian Stefu and Ryan Farren

Junior Cycle Experiments

Chromotography using filter paper

Fireball experiments with methane and washing up liquid

Crystal making with bluing and amonia 

Titration nutralising an alkaline usisng an acid

Disecting a lambs heart 

Science JC photos

Science Mindmaps

Mindmaps can be a great way of studying science. Click on each of the images below for examples of mindmaps our students have made along with a summary of what you need to know for each chapter.


