

Junior Cycle

Junior Certificate history is a wide ranging course, aiming to provide students with an overall view of the most significant developments in human history from the development of farming by Neolithic man, through the Romans, the Renaissance, Revolutions, the Second World War, to the development of the European Union.

Students who enjoy History tend to be those who wish to discover more about the people who have shaped the world in which we live; students who have an acquiring mind and are interested in discovering how one event tends to follow on from another; students who like a good story; and students who have strong English language skills.

What is History?

History aims to record and analyse events which happened in the past, with an emphasis on how and why events occurred. History deals with the development of culture, society and human experience and delves into the characters of people who made the world what it is today. The objective is to learn from past events and the people who were involved, using what we learn to make a success of our own lives.

How is History Useful?

History develops important skills such as self-discipline, event and pattern analysis, and critical thinking which are all practical life-long skills. It is crucial when studying history to pay attention to the evidence presented, and to keep in mind factors such as bias and propaganda. Students are encouraged to consider the validity of different interpretations of evidence to develop balanced and grounded judgement.

Careers for which History is particularly useful include:

Roman History Projects

Roman History Projects

Student Presentations

The Renaissance (1st Year)

The Renaissance Prjects 1st yr

The Industrial Revolution (2nd Year)

The Industrial Revolution (2nd Yr)
Untitled document

1st Year Archaeology Dig

Our first years participated in an archaeological dig as a part of their Junior Cycle History Course!