Mathematics Department
The Mathematics Department consists of all teachers of Mathematics as well as teachers of other subjects who promote Mathematics or others who help to run Mathematics competitions. The aim of the department is to enable our students
to be well-versed in the major branches of Mathematics: arithmetic, algebra, geometry, statistics etc. so that they might use these in other aspects of their studies both at school and later in the work-place
to develop their use of Mathematics as a tool for solving problems
to be able to express and communicate mathematical ideas in a structured, clear and logical way and to be able to use the terminology of Mathematics with precision and clarity
to become clear, articulate and logical thinkers
to develop a love, fascination and interest in the world of numbers – even when this world can have (in the words of the British Mathematician and philosopher, Bertrand Russell) ‘a beauty cold and austere like that of sculpture’
to enjoy Mathematics and be enthusiastic in its pursuit
to learn and read about the History of Mathematics and the major Mathematicians from Ireland and the wider world
to see Mathematics an organic and developing progression, which has helped to create the modern world – and in which they might play their part in the future
to achieve good results in the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate examinations (especially in Mathematics and mathematic-related subjects)
to participate, enjoy and achieve success in Mathematical Competitions (IJMC, Hamilton Institute Maths Challenge, PRISM as well as various in-house competitions)
The Mathematics Department pledges to operate as a cohesive unit through
regular department meetings both formal and informal
co-operation and the sharing of ideas
discussing and sharing of examples of best practice
setting and correcting of homework
setting and correcting regular test
holding common exams where practicable
the induction and continual encouragement of new and part-time teachers
maintaining a relevant and interesting Mathematics section in the college library
linking with other departments within the school (especially, but not exclusively, the science departments and the department of Computer Technology)
active membership of the Irish Mathematics Teachers’ Association and other unions of teachers worldwide
The Mathematics Department recognises that Mathematics is promoted by all those who use it in their teaching: in science. IT and economics, etc. It also recognises that co-curricular activities such as Bridge and Chess contribute to the mathematical competence of students. We hope that our students will come to understand that Mathematics helps them to unravel, understand, and explain the complexities of life on earth. Maths (and the logical thinking which goes with it) provides them with a tool for all of their lives – not just while they are in school.
Useful Links
Junior Certificate Mathematics Ordinary & Higher Levels
Free Maths Help - Great online tutorials on a range of topics!
Mathematics Support Service - Notes for Teachers and Students
Scoilnet - Go to the Student Post Primary Section and choose 'Mathematics'
Skoool - Revision Notes, Homework Help, Study and Exam Guide
Mathematics Interactive Simulations - Algebra, Trigonometry & Geometry
The Maths Centre - Excellent online video tutorials on a range of topics! Well worth a visit.
Maths Challenges
You can now join our Maths Challenges Google Classroom to try maths challenges added weekly