
Mathematics Department

The Mathematics Department consists of all teachers of Mathematics as well as teachers of other subjects who promote Mathematics or others who help to run Mathematics competitions. The aim of the department is to enable our students

The Mathematics Department pledges to operate as a cohesive unit through

The Mathematics Department recognises that Mathematics is promoted by all those who use it in their teaching: in science. IT and economics, etc. It also recognises that co-curricular activities such as Bridge and Chess contribute to the mathematical competence of students. We hope that our students will come to understand that Mathematics helps them to unravel, understand, and explain the complexities of life on earth. Maths (and the logical thinking which goes with it) provides them with a tool for all of their lives – not just while they are in school.

Useful Links

Junior Certificate Mathematics Ordinary & Higher Levels

Junior Cycle Maths News

Maths Challenges